Another question I'm often asked is to do with air traffic...
Namely, that people are used to the concept of roads and the like on the ground so is there any kind of similar system in the air to keep planes separated?
There is!
Obviously, we don't have physical roads to follow in the air. But we use a range of systems for separation.
These systems can include pre-planned departure and arrival routes, tracking from waypoint to waypoint near busy airports, can include "airways" between certain markers and other means.
To the untrained observer, planes appear to go everywhere in a random pattern.
But in the air, we simply navigate in a different way to that on the ground. Also, bear in mind too, in the air, aircraft can be separated by altitude. A plane at one altitude simply cannot hit an aircraft at another altitude - no matter how they travel. This principle is used a huge amount in regular to-from patterns; more on that soon.
Arrival/departure paths:
Each busy airport has a set of what they call standard instrument departures and standard terminal arrival routes (SID/STAR). These are step-by-step guides, basically, that set out on a chart to pilots, where they are to go and how they are to plan their approach - literally, step by step.
Each runway at the airport has it's own set of SIDs and STARs and they are aligned for planes arriving from each direction. The charts are published by the government aviation authority (for instance, Civil Aviation Safety Authority in Australia (CASA) or the Federal Aviation Authority (FAA) in the US.) - and every airline pilot will have their own set.
So it's really quite simple in concept. Air traffic control advise an arriving aircraft to refer to a STAR. This will tell the pilot to fly to (or "track" to) a waypoint - which is basically an imaginary point in the sky, defined by GPS. His GPS will tell him where to go. At that waypoint, they follow each step on the chart. It may say to now turn to a new direction (in degrees, just like a compass) and descend to a certain height or slow to a speed. They'll follow that to the next waypoint. And so on until lined up with the runway.
This means too that other aircraft arriving after this will follow the same pattern - and it becomes like an invisible motorway in the sky - each aircraft following the one before.
Air traffic control's workload is significantly decreased - and most importantly, everyone is working on the same level so there is no confusion. All ATC have to now do is watch each plane on radar to make sure they are complying with the procedure - and if one is closing on the other, they will give directions such as to change speed (one speed up, the other slow).
Ditto for departures. In between the arriving planes, the departing ones will be told which SID to use.
The pilot then looks at his chart and knows then that after takeoff to head to a waypoint, climb to a certain altitude, and so on. The SIDs and STARs have been very carefully designed to ensure that in no way can one clash with another - so this now means that flights heading out are off on one "road" and ones coming in are on "another road".
It also explains why you may fly quite a long way from an airport in one direction, then turn around and head back. For instance, you may depart London for New York but head EAST to start with and turn around. This is to follow the SID out, climb to a safe height well clear of the airport - then turn around and pass back.
We've basically covered now how planes are kept separated on arrival and departure. But what about on the way?
As a passenger, you will never know but air traffic control are watching your flight on radar from literally start up to shut down. This means even if the pilot is in cloud and can't are still being watched and kept clear of anyone else. Or at the same time, if the pilot makes a mistake and turns the wrong way or heads to the wrong altitude - air traffic control pick it up quickly and correct it.
Believe me...they are quick on it.
But enroute, the best way to keep the skies safe are to get planes moving as directly as possible from A - B. To ensure the less time wasted with diversions and circles - and less planes in the sky.
This is where radio beacons and altitudes come into play.
Radio beacons of different kinds and strengths are located worldwide. Some are very low frequency and can be picked up by a plane just about on the other side of the world...others are quite short range.
All combine to create a network.
Each country publishes it's own maps for radio beacons. These maps mark out where each beacon is - and give a 'name' to the path from beacon to beacon. The names are quite dull - such as "A-382" or "Y-117" but the point is, with such simple names, there is never confusion. These tracks are like roads. The pilot will, if using beacons, simply tune a special navigation radio onto the frequency of the beacon (similar to an FM radio station frequency). The radio picks up the signal and - keeping this simple - directs the pilot towards it. He simply has to fly the plane over that beacon - and he's followed the path.
But...what if someone is flying the other way on the same path?? Won't they collide?
That's how altitude comes into use.
Remember I said earlier how two planes flying at different heights can pass each other but physically never collide? We use exactly that rule.
That is...above 10,000 feet, the LAW says, and this is universal, world-wide, that planes must be 1000 feet above and below one another.
So...countries have sat down and made a world agreement. Planes travelling WEST will travel on an even-numbered altitude (such as, 28000 ft, 32000 ft, 34000 ft) and planes travelling EAST will go on the opposite - odd numbered altitude (such as 27000 ft, 31000 ft).
West and east are used very broadly! If you look at a compass, it is 360 degrees, right?
Well...for flying, we call degrees 1 - 180 as "east" and 181 - 360 are called "west". So whichever of those degrees you are travelling, you are called east or west and will, by law, be flying at your odd or even height.
So if I am say, flying from London - New York, I'm headed west. I will fly at 34000 ft for example.
There is a plane coming the opposite way - he will fly at 33000 ft or 35000 ft.
Either way...he will pass right over or right under me and there is a 1000 ft gap.
This is why now we say that although the world's skies are the busiest they have ever been, they are the safest. Separation of planes is a very technical subject in depth, so what I have explained is just the basics.
But that shows how it works - and trust me, every single pilot, even just the private pilot flying on the weekend, has to understand separation or s/he is not allowed to fly.
Separation has been, sadly, learnt from the blood of the past. Accidents happened in the early days of jets and after long investigations, problems were found - we used those problems to develop our system today that, when properly used, makes mid-air collision virtually impossible.
For a mid-air collision to occur...remember, many things all have to go wrong at the same time. If the pilot makes a mistake, air traffic control will tell him.
If air traffic control make a mistake, the pilot will realise and tell them. In all jets today, there is a final backup also called "TCAS"...or the "traffic collision avoidance system". TCAS works, again, simply by it's own radar. If both air traffic control and the pilot have made a mistake and not realised - TCAS will scan the skies and tell the pilot through alarms and screens that they are too close to another flight. TCAS even "talks" to the other plane's radar - and between the two planes, the radar computers "agree" to turn separate ways to go apart.
Then TCAS will tell the pilot "turn left". If he doesn't do it in a matter of seconds, the computer does it for him.
So...we can now see...that it would take three major mistakes before there was even a risk of a collision.
Questions or comments - fire away!
I'm a commercial pilot of approximately 9 years experience in flying and self-professed flight addict. Fear of flying is one many people feel - and a lot of people ask about. But I know flying is I'm here to take you on an inside look into the world of flight to allay your fears, make you feel safe and enjoy the pleasure of the skies. Let you understand - and then enjoy! Feel free to contact me with questions and topic ideas!
Thursday, 10 March 2011
What's that noise...?!
A common question I have raised to me is this...
"When I'm on an aircraft, I often hear strange sounds. Some of these are very loud or don't sound natural - such as grinding or crunching. What are they? Are they normal?"
Firstly...yes, they ARE normal.
Every aeroplane is, by it's design, a machine with literally thousands of working parts. Some are obvious - such as a propellor or wing-flaps, many are subtle and never seen or heard.
Unfortunately for the nervous traveller though...many ARE heard.
So to put your mind at ease, I'll write now a list of common sounds you may hear in the 'plane, and why they are nothing to be scared of.
I'm writing this list based around an airliner, as large jet aircraft simply make the most "strange" sounds! But they may be heard on any plane.
This is merely the airconditioning. Jet aircraft work off a principle that we are not used to on the ground. The higher you fly, the "thinner" the air is, so to speak. Above 10,000 feet, the air is "too thin" to breathe properly, so the cabin of the plane is pressurised - or, simply, pumped with air, so as there is plenty to breathe. The way this is done is quite simple in principle. The engines pressurise air as they "suck" it in. So there is a small valve on each engine that "bleeds" off some of that pressurised air, cools or warms it to a comfortable temperature, then pipes it into the cabin as air conditioning.
It sounds quite different as it is being fed in this way - not through a "normal" car or house air-con style system.
Something else to be aware of is the engine speed. The amount of air being pushed through the air-conditioners is dependent on how fast the engine is working. This affects different planes differently - some more than others. But you might notice the quiet hiss gets more forceful, say, on takeoff.
The only reason for this is now the engine is working faster. So it is compressing more air - and this air is now being fed into the cabin faster. Just like increasing the speed on your car air-conditioner from 1 - 2.
Squeal/Rattle (After Boarding):
A common first fear for people in terms of noise is early in the flight. One of the first things heard after you've taken your seat and made yourself comfortable may be a loud squealing noise, followed by a rattle or, for lack of a better word, a "sealing noise", like someone doing up a nut on a car tyre.
A lot of people worry about this noise. It doesn't sound very natural and in fact, can sound like someone is "forcing" something. But it is in fact a sound that is made before every departure of the plane.
What is happening is down below, in the baggage hold.
When you check your bags in at the airport, they are taken to be loaded in a "baggage hold" - which is a compartment below your cabin, purely for baggage. There are special doors below the main cabin to get to the baggage hold - and the hold itself is also pressurised, so if you have anything in your bag affected by air pressure, it won't get damaged - and also so people can transport pets or live animals in the hold.
To hold pressure, something needs to be sealed, right? Well, same for the baggage hold. The doors are lowered into place after loading the bags - and at this point, they have a mechanical system in them that not only "locks" them shut but also provides a firm seal between the baggage door and outside. As this system locks and tightens into place, it creates a squeal and rattle noise. Sometimes the noise might happen, stop, happen again. This is just the door self-tightening to the right level.
Those used to flying will ignore the regular sound of a single bell "ding" through the cabin - or may even find it annoying. But if you've never flown before, it can be unnerving. What does it mean? Should I pay attention? Is there a problem?
The bell can mean one of several things. It IS for getting attention - but not ALWAYS yours! So don't be afraid that you have to listen for it the whole time.
The bell is set off by...
- People pressing a button to get a flight attendant to come to them.
- The flight attendant or pilot are about to make an announcement.
- The "seatbelt" sign is about to be turned on or off (more on that in a minute)
- The pilot needs to talk to the flight attendant. (Don't's most likely to say what he wants for lunch).
The seatbelt sign is the most important one for you - all it is is a small light above each seat. When the pilot wants you to make sure your seatbelt is done up tightly, he will flick a switch on the flight deck. This small light will then light up with a picture of seat belt buckles and an arrow between them - meaning to do it up. When the light is turned off, you are free to stand up and walk to the toilets or stretch. When turned on, you must stay seated. The bell sounds for this to get your attention and make sure you know - if you don't hear it, the flight attendants will make a call through the cabin PA system too, to remind you and tell you why.
There are two stages when "roaring" may be at a point where it is very hard to hear over - or even making you nervous to if it is too much. These are during takeoff and just after landing. I'll explain why.
Simply, this noise is from the engines doing one of two things. The first and simplest is that during takeoff is the one stage of flight where the pilots will run the jet engines (each plane will have 2, 3 or 4) at their absolute highest speed.
To fly - a plane must get air flowing across it's wings. To do that, we have to move forward into the air. The faster, the better. So to get moving into the air quickly enough is the job of the engines - and is why they are run hard on takeoff.
The reason it is so much noisier than a car is this...
Think of your car at home. It might weigh one tonne and seat 4 - 5 people, right? Well, the engine is a fair size just for that.
Now take a jet. It can seat 100 - 550 people, plus baggage, plus fuel, plus the weight of the plane itself. That could be the same number of people as 110 cars alone. So naturally we need more engine power.
Jet engines do this well - they produce a lot of power for a reasonably small size...the only downside is they are as noisy as hell at full power.
Don't stress. The noise inside the cabin is cut down a lot. It won't make you deaf - although it may be irritating.
After takeoff, the plane is comfortably in the air and going fast enough. It doesn't need to keep accelerating - so the pilots slow the engines down to a quieter speed to cruise.
On landing approach, the engines are very quiet as we slow down. But once you touch down, you may often hear a loud roaring again, like on takeoff.
This noise now is what they call "reverse thrust". Put simply, the engine is running - but instead of pushing air out the rear and pushing the plane forward, this air is now pushed forward to act like a brake. The engine is sped up again to push more air forwards - and you hear the noise.
Why do we use reverse thrust? Simple again - it saves wear and tear on the brakes and tyres, saving the airline money - and ultimately, helping keep ticket prices cheaper.
You'll hear this twice during the flight.
It sounds quite strange, as it is from BELOW the plane. People often tell me it sounds like something is broken - or has been hit. It's not!
In fact, to hear the thud means all is working well.
I can tell you this. You will hear it shortly after takeoff and then again a short while before landing. Sometimes it might sound like a whirring noise first too...or maybe two smaller thuds.
All it is, is simply the landing gear, or wheels, being folded up and stored away in the belly of the plane. On landing, the doors around them open again (the whirring noise) and the wheels are lowered back out (the thud).
Why fold them away? Put it this way. Next time you are in the car, hold your hand out the window. See how it drags the air and resists against it? Well, the same thing happens in the plane. Everything outside is dragging a bit against the wind - and the engines have to work to overcome that. More engine work means more fuel is burnt - so it's a wise idea to reduce this as much as possible. It's why the front of planes are smoothed out - not just a flat box. It's why we fold up the wheels - so they are out of the wind while flying and get put back down on landing.
You'd be amazed how much extra fuel a jet actually uses by keeping the wheels down! Most international flights would need up to three or four more fuelling stops (if not more) if they flew with them down.
Sudden quiet:
If you have been on a long flight, you'll have become accustomed to the drone of the engines as the flight continues. So why then, all of a sudden, do they go suddenly quiet...?
Don't be afraid! It doesn't mean something has gone wrong.
In fact, it's most likely meaning the flight is nearly over. Pilots calculate what is called a "top of descent" point. The point at which they need to start descending the plane back down to be at ground level by the time they reach the airport. Just as I said it takes a lot of engine power to get moving and gain height - by reverse, they simply slow the engines to an idle speed (the engine is still moving but slowly...just like idling your car) and gently glide the plane down the descent. The plane will pick up speed as it descends - just like a car on a hill - so there is no need for the pilots to run the engines and waste extra fuel.
As you get closer to ground and they have to level off, you might notice the engine speed pick up again. Or they may get a quiet day at the airport and be able to cruise straight in - in which case it may well stay quiet.
Hope this sums up a lot of the common unnerving noises heard on planes!
Any more you want to ask about? Leave a comment!
"When I'm on an aircraft, I often hear strange sounds. Some of these are very loud or don't sound natural - such as grinding or crunching. What are they? Are they normal?"
Firstly...yes, they ARE normal.
Every aeroplane is, by it's design, a machine with literally thousands of working parts. Some are obvious - such as a propellor or wing-flaps, many are subtle and never seen or heard.
Unfortunately for the nervous traveller though...many ARE heard.
So to put your mind at ease, I'll write now a list of common sounds you may hear in the 'plane, and why they are nothing to be scared of.
I'm writing this list based around an airliner, as large jet aircraft simply make the most "strange" sounds! But they may be heard on any plane.
This is merely the airconditioning. Jet aircraft work off a principle that we are not used to on the ground. The higher you fly, the "thinner" the air is, so to speak. Above 10,000 feet, the air is "too thin" to breathe properly, so the cabin of the plane is pressurised - or, simply, pumped with air, so as there is plenty to breathe. The way this is done is quite simple in principle. The engines pressurise air as they "suck" it in. So there is a small valve on each engine that "bleeds" off some of that pressurised air, cools or warms it to a comfortable temperature, then pipes it into the cabin as air conditioning.
It sounds quite different as it is being fed in this way - not through a "normal" car or house air-con style system.
Something else to be aware of is the engine speed. The amount of air being pushed through the air-conditioners is dependent on how fast the engine is working. This affects different planes differently - some more than others. But you might notice the quiet hiss gets more forceful, say, on takeoff.
The only reason for this is now the engine is working faster. So it is compressing more air - and this air is now being fed into the cabin faster. Just like increasing the speed on your car air-conditioner from 1 - 2.
Squeal/Rattle (After Boarding):
A common first fear for people in terms of noise is early in the flight. One of the first things heard after you've taken your seat and made yourself comfortable may be a loud squealing noise, followed by a rattle or, for lack of a better word, a "sealing noise", like someone doing up a nut on a car tyre.
A lot of people worry about this noise. It doesn't sound very natural and in fact, can sound like someone is "forcing" something. But it is in fact a sound that is made before every departure of the plane.
What is happening is down below, in the baggage hold.
When you check your bags in at the airport, they are taken to be loaded in a "baggage hold" - which is a compartment below your cabin, purely for baggage. There are special doors below the main cabin to get to the baggage hold - and the hold itself is also pressurised, so if you have anything in your bag affected by air pressure, it won't get damaged - and also so people can transport pets or live animals in the hold.
To hold pressure, something needs to be sealed, right? Well, same for the baggage hold. The doors are lowered into place after loading the bags - and at this point, they have a mechanical system in them that not only "locks" them shut but also provides a firm seal between the baggage door and outside. As this system locks and tightens into place, it creates a squeal and rattle noise. Sometimes the noise might happen, stop, happen again. This is just the door self-tightening to the right level.
Those used to flying will ignore the regular sound of a single bell "ding" through the cabin - or may even find it annoying. But if you've never flown before, it can be unnerving. What does it mean? Should I pay attention? Is there a problem?
The bell can mean one of several things. It IS for getting attention - but not ALWAYS yours! So don't be afraid that you have to listen for it the whole time.
The bell is set off by...
- People pressing a button to get a flight attendant to come to them.
- The flight attendant or pilot are about to make an announcement.
- The "seatbelt" sign is about to be turned on or off (more on that in a minute)
- The pilot needs to talk to the flight attendant. (Don't's most likely to say what he wants for lunch).
The seatbelt sign is the most important one for you - all it is is a small light above each seat. When the pilot wants you to make sure your seatbelt is done up tightly, he will flick a switch on the flight deck. This small light will then light up with a picture of seat belt buckles and an arrow between them - meaning to do it up. When the light is turned off, you are free to stand up and walk to the toilets or stretch. When turned on, you must stay seated. The bell sounds for this to get your attention and make sure you know - if you don't hear it, the flight attendants will make a call through the cabin PA system too, to remind you and tell you why.
There are two stages when "roaring" may be at a point where it is very hard to hear over - or even making you nervous to if it is too much. These are during takeoff and just after landing. I'll explain why.
Simply, this noise is from the engines doing one of two things. The first and simplest is that during takeoff is the one stage of flight where the pilots will run the jet engines (each plane will have 2, 3 or 4) at their absolute highest speed.
To fly - a plane must get air flowing across it's wings. To do that, we have to move forward into the air. The faster, the better. So to get moving into the air quickly enough is the job of the engines - and is why they are run hard on takeoff.
The reason it is so much noisier than a car is this...
Think of your car at home. It might weigh one tonne and seat 4 - 5 people, right? Well, the engine is a fair size just for that.
Now take a jet. It can seat 100 - 550 people, plus baggage, plus fuel, plus the weight of the plane itself. That could be the same number of people as 110 cars alone. So naturally we need more engine power.
Jet engines do this well - they produce a lot of power for a reasonably small size...the only downside is they are as noisy as hell at full power.
Don't stress. The noise inside the cabin is cut down a lot. It won't make you deaf - although it may be irritating.
After takeoff, the plane is comfortably in the air and going fast enough. It doesn't need to keep accelerating - so the pilots slow the engines down to a quieter speed to cruise.
On landing approach, the engines are very quiet as we slow down. But once you touch down, you may often hear a loud roaring again, like on takeoff.
This noise now is what they call "reverse thrust". Put simply, the engine is running - but instead of pushing air out the rear and pushing the plane forward, this air is now pushed forward to act like a brake. The engine is sped up again to push more air forwards - and you hear the noise.
Why do we use reverse thrust? Simple again - it saves wear and tear on the brakes and tyres, saving the airline money - and ultimately, helping keep ticket prices cheaper.
You'll hear this twice during the flight.
It sounds quite strange, as it is from BELOW the plane. People often tell me it sounds like something is broken - or has been hit. It's not!
In fact, to hear the thud means all is working well.
I can tell you this. You will hear it shortly after takeoff and then again a short while before landing. Sometimes it might sound like a whirring noise first too...or maybe two smaller thuds.
All it is, is simply the landing gear, or wheels, being folded up and stored away in the belly of the plane. On landing, the doors around them open again (the whirring noise) and the wheels are lowered back out (the thud).
Why fold them away? Put it this way. Next time you are in the car, hold your hand out the window. See how it drags the air and resists against it? Well, the same thing happens in the plane. Everything outside is dragging a bit against the wind - and the engines have to work to overcome that. More engine work means more fuel is burnt - so it's a wise idea to reduce this as much as possible. It's why the front of planes are smoothed out - not just a flat box. It's why we fold up the wheels - so they are out of the wind while flying and get put back down on landing.
You'd be amazed how much extra fuel a jet actually uses by keeping the wheels down! Most international flights would need up to three or four more fuelling stops (if not more) if they flew with them down.
Sudden quiet:
If you have been on a long flight, you'll have become accustomed to the drone of the engines as the flight continues. So why then, all of a sudden, do they go suddenly quiet...?
Don't be afraid! It doesn't mean something has gone wrong.
In fact, it's most likely meaning the flight is nearly over. Pilots calculate what is called a "top of descent" point. The point at which they need to start descending the plane back down to be at ground level by the time they reach the airport. Just as I said it takes a lot of engine power to get moving and gain height - by reverse, they simply slow the engines to an idle speed (the engine is still moving but slowly...just like idling your car) and gently glide the plane down the descent. The plane will pick up speed as it descends - just like a car on a hill - so there is no need for the pilots to run the engines and waste extra fuel.
As you get closer to ground and they have to level off, you might notice the engine speed pick up again. Or they may get a quiet day at the airport and be able to cruise straight in - in which case it may well stay quiet.
Hope this sums up a lot of the common unnerving noises heard on planes!
Any more you want to ask about? Leave a comment!
Why, hello.
I can only assume you have found this blog by one of a couple of ways. Either you've talked to me about a fear of flight and found it...or perhaps you've found it by Google search for that same topic.
Perhaps you are here by chance.
But the point is...
My name is Rob. I'm a commercial pilot by profession, a role that, I believe, requires not only technical skills but a good all-round understanding of a wide range of factors - all that link in to make flying not only fun, but so safe, as to be THE safest form of transport in the world.
But by nature, humans do not fly. So it is only natural that a large number of us are inherently scared of flight and air travel. This fear is compounded by the fact that a lot of us fly rarely - or even never.
Let's put it this way. Are you afraid to travel in a car? Of course not. Even though the risk of an accident is much higher, the car "stays on the ground" and "is something you do every day without thinking" - so human nature dictates you are comfortable with it.
(Even though there may be drunk, drugged, dangerous, psychotic, physically impaired drivers on the road...poorly maintained skills required to drive in bad weather or at night. All of which are factors that are dealt with in professional aviation.)
So...I'm here to help you.
Flying is growing world wide at a phenomenal rate. Gone are the days of week-long transcontinental train travel or weeks (if not longer) aboard a ship to cross the Atlantic or Pacific. Airlines are increasing in number regularly - and constantly cutting the costs of travel across the world. In this day and age, virtually anyone in a first-world country can afford to fly - at least, domestically.
Flying is also used by companies for staff travel...for pleasure...for public safety (firefighting)...for industry (crop dusting and freight) - it's not a lie to say the world would grind to a halt without aircraft.
So what I am getting at is this. Odds are, if you want to travel, you will do it at least partly by air. Certainly if you want to travel overseas! And why not. Why let a fear that can be controlled stop you experiencing the amazing sights and cultures of the world, affordably and comfortably?
Fear of flying is NATURAL. Many, many people feel it - from a debilitating phobia right through to mild anxiety and unease. For many - the mere thought makes them sick. For others, I often hear "oh, I'm happy with flying except *that* part" - in reference to a part of the flight.
I've had people approach me from all ends of the scales about flying with literally hundreds of questions. I've assisted people from children and teenagers to fly - right through to elderly people.
I just want to point out...that I am NOT a psychologist, counsellor or doctor. I'm not pretending to be - because I'm not. If you suffer clinical anxiety or health issues that flying may affect, I cannot more strong say that you need to speak to a doctor, NOT me, because I am NOT one.
All I am here to do is relieve your fear of flying - by showing you the inside story...telling you the facts...and proving why there is nothing to fear. This works for most people I've helped, who's fear has been of the unknown or has been boosted by horror stories from ignorant others. People who's fears are a product of having never flown and not knowing what to expect. Or have simply watched too much TV.
Those people, my advice will help.
I'm sorry to go so far into it. But I have to state the facts truthfully and CLEARLY.
Just once more.
I am NOT an airline pilot - although I am technically qualified as one in terms of licencing. I use the title "Captain" loosely - because Captain, in aviation, refers to the pilot-in-command of ANY aircraft...big or small. However, as a title, Captain is used by an airline pilot. I am merely a "Mr" - but the title suits my blog nicely to illustrate that I AM a pilot and not an "arm-chair expert".
I am NOT representing the views of any airline, company or professional board.
I am NOT a medical professional and cannot give you clinical advice or assistance.
I AM a professional pilot who is here for the sole purpose of explaining aviation to the average everyday person, so as you can feel safe in the skies.
I hope you enjoy - and can experience the pleasure of the sky.
Rob. :-)
I can only assume you have found this blog by one of a couple of ways. Either you've talked to me about a fear of flight and found it...or perhaps you've found it by Google search for that same topic.
Perhaps you are here by chance.
But the point is...
My name is Rob. I'm a commercial pilot by profession, a role that, I believe, requires not only technical skills but a good all-round understanding of a wide range of factors - all that link in to make flying not only fun, but so safe, as to be THE safest form of transport in the world.
But by nature, humans do not fly. So it is only natural that a large number of us are inherently scared of flight and air travel. This fear is compounded by the fact that a lot of us fly rarely - or even never.
Let's put it this way. Are you afraid to travel in a car? Of course not. Even though the risk of an accident is much higher, the car "stays on the ground" and "is something you do every day without thinking" - so human nature dictates you are comfortable with it.
(Even though there may be drunk, drugged, dangerous, psychotic, physically impaired drivers on the road...poorly maintained skills required to drive in bad weather or at night. All of which are factors that are dealt with in professional aviation.)
So...I'm here to help you.
Flying is growing world wide at a phenomenal rate. Gone are the days of week-long transcontinental train travel or weeks (if not longer) aboard a ship to cross the Atlantic or Pacific. Airlines are increasing in number regularly - and constantly cutting the costs of travel across the world. In this day and age, virtually anyone in a first-world country can afford to fly - at least, domestically.
Flying is also used by companies for staff travel...for pleasure...for public safety (firefighting)...for industry (crop dusting and freight) - it's not a lie to say the world would grind to a halt without aircraft.
So what I am getting at is this. Odds are, if you want to travel, you will do it at least partly by air. Certainly if you want to travel overseas! And why not. Why let a fear that can be controlled stop you experiencing the amazing sights and cultures of the world, affordably and comfortably?
Fear of flying is NATURAL. Many, many people feel it - from a debilitating phobia right through to mild anxiety and unease. For many - the mere thought makes them sick. For others, I often hear "oh, I'm happy with flying except *that* part" - in reference to a part of the flight.
I've had people approach me from all ends of the scales about flying with literally hundreds of questions. I've assisted people from children and teenagers to fly - right through to elderly people.
I just want to point out...that I am NOT a psychologist, counsellor or doctor. I'm not pretending to be - because I'm not. If you suffer clinical anxiety or health issues that flying may affect, I cannot more strong say that you need to speak to a doctor, NOT me, because I am NOT one.
All I am here to do is relieve your fear of flying - by showing you the inside story...telling you the facts...and proving why there is nothing to fear. This works for most people I've helped, who's fear has been of the unknown or has been boosted by horror stories from ignorant others. People who's fears are a product of having never flown and not knowing what to expect. Or have simply watched too much TV.
Those people, my advice will help.
I'm sorry to go so far into it. But I have to state the facts truthfully and CLEARLY.
Just once more.
I am NOT an airline pilot - although I am technically qualified as one in terms of licencing. I use the title "Captain" loosely - because Captain, in aviation, refers to the pilot-in-command of ANY aircraft...big or small. However, as a title, Captain is used by an airline pilot. I am merely a "Mr" - but the title suits my blog nicely to illustrate that I AM a pilot and not an "arm-chair expert".
I am NOT representing the views of any airline, company or professional board.
I am NOT a medical professional and cannot give you clinical advice or assistance.
I AM a professional pilot who is here for the sole purpose of explaining aviation to the average everyday person, so as you can feel safe in the skies.
I hope you enjoy - and can experience the pleasure of the sky.
Rob. :-)
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